Beauty Craft proudly offers ALL laminate ranges available in New Zealand. Discover the full colour range available.

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Have your top quoted in "Laminate Standard" to compare prices across all brands and ranges available.
Your price comparisons will be shown at the bottom of your quote.


Beauty Craft has developed an online quoting and ordering system that can be used 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It allows you to quote bench tops resulting in a cad drawing for your customer and then to submit your quote into manufacture as an order. At any stage you can see what quotes you have done, and what orders are in manufacture. If you are a retailer please feel free to contact us to discuss adoption of our online quoting system.

By using this application you accept our terms of Use which can be viewed by clicking by clicking here.

If you would like to see a tutorial on how to use Engage, please see the video below:


Please click on the following links to view our technical documents. Most of the information regarding our exceptional benchtops can be found inside.